Sustainable investments are characterised by numerous, sometimes competing approaches and definitions. While some providers just exclude certain sectors, others for expample enter into a dialogue with companies but do not follow up in any further analysis. 

It is the view of Erste AM that a sustainable investment process creates the biggest value added when it combines all available tools and methods. In the Erste Asset Management Investment a team of experts focuses exclusively on the subject of sustainable investments.

Our approach has been developed over 15 years and shapes the key sustainable methods into an integrative management approach.

Integrated approach

Our investment process is a so-called "integrative" approach. We combine the most important sustainable investment styles to our unique proprietary approach, with our in-house-developed ESGenius® Score at its core.

We combine tools, such as positive and exclusion criteria, a best-in-class approach based on our proprietary scoring model ESGenius®, engagement and voting. At the heart of this process is the"ESG analysis", which refers to environmental, social and governance issues.

We design our investment decisions to achieve the desired  goal and positive impact, and we measure the sustainable yield thus achieved and publish the results.

Sustainability Handbook

Sustainability is our core competence.

Our Sustainability Handbook provides information about our team, partners, policies and investment approach to sustainability.

The Principles of Responsible Investing (PRI) as laid down by the United Nations are the basis of our sustainable investment approach.

As signatory of the PRI, Erste Asset Management we are committed to the following principles in our investment policy:

  1. We will incorporate ESG issues into investment analysis and decision-making processes.
  2. We will be active owners and incorporate ESG issues into our ownership policies and practices.
  3. We will seek appropriate disclosure on ESG issues by the entities in which we invest.
  4. We will promote acceptance and implementation of the Principles within the investment industry.
  5. We will work together to enhance our effectiveness in implementing the Principles.
  6. We will each report on our activities and progress towards implementing the Principles.

We also require our external partners to have either signed the PRI or to follow them to the greatest extent possible.