Active portfolio management
Is based on the holistic approach, where we select the investments with the highest potential according to our systems. Our investment universe is following:
- developed markets equities, emerging markets equities,
- Sovereign and corporate bonds from all the regions in the world, both investment and high yield segment,
- alternative and real estate investments
By combining more asset classes we aim to achieve the highest possible portfolio performance, whereby we continuously monitor investment limits and risk constraints for each portfolio.
Portfolios of our clients are actively managed.
Our investment process is:

structured and consistent, as we do not make any sudden emotional investment decisions
daily we assess the situation in the financial markets, fundamental parameters and the current evaluation of asset classes
model driven based on the expertise of the whole investment team of Erste Asset Management Group
Although the markets are volatile, every
year we can find asset classes with the attractive performance.
Therefore there is no “bad” or “good” time to start investing.
Our clients keep a good track of their investments, we evaluate their assets daily and quarterly prepare for our clients detailed and transparent reports.